Choose Your WordPress Theme Like This And You Won’t Have Any Regrets

There’s more to designing your website than finding a beautiful theme and blogging on a rigid schedule. 抛开设计元素, here are some tips for choosing a WordPress theme so you don’t have to go through the shock of discovering you’ve 犯了一个大错误.


Content marketing is important, but blogging isn’t always the best choice. Depending on your industry, a WordPress blog should be a supplement to your main content.

当您的所有内容都以博客格式结构化时, it’s hard to differentiate between static content 关于 your business and content you intended to be read as an article. Appearance alone is enough to make readers bounce if your site looks like just another boring blog.



You should be making good use of the page feature to publish content designed to remain static. 例如, 你的联系, 关于, 服务, 产品链接都应该像网页一样精心制作, 没有帖子.

This may sound weird but some people don’t see the difference between a post and a page.

This will keep those pages from turning up in search results when someone browses your blog. You don’t want 你的联系 page popping up as an option in between your articles; it will make your site look cheap.

Publishing all your content as blog posts reduce the usability of your entire site. 除非你在主菜单中添加直接链接, blog posts can only be found by searching through categories and tags.

You need a theme that does more than publishing articles to your homepage. It doesn’t need to be fancy, but it should be designed to quickly show your visitors who you are.

例如a WordPress主题“Speaker”.

It’s designed for life coaches but could easily accommodate any business with a mission that can be portrayed visually. If your visitors have to read an essay just to know who you are, you need a different theme.


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Visitors should always know when the content they’re reading is part of your blog, 而不是你的主要内容. You can be bold and create a special header for your blog with graphics that match your site, 或者你可以简单地制作不同的布局. 无论哪种方式,都是必要的 了解两者的区别 在网站和博客之间.

Your blog will look like a blog when the content appears in chronological order, lists the date the content was posted and offers excerpted summaries with “read more” links. 另一方面, your main content will be identifiable as such by being seamlessly integrated into the design. Your main content should not be excerpted, dated, tagged, or categorized as a blog.

Choose a theme that provides full-width page templates

Using a full-width page template allows you to eliminate the sidebar when you don’t want your visitors to become distracted. This is essential for effective sales pages and squeeze pages.



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Smartbit Finance公司WordPress主题


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If your theme doesn’t come with a full-width page template, 创建一个很容易.

Communicate with the theme developer prior to purchase

Some developers disable basic WordPress features within their theme and make it an arduous process to restore them. This is a problem for people who expect the theme to support basic features like drop-down menus and sidebar widgets. The reality is developers, eliminate these two features (and others) often.

The drop-down menu in WordPress is created with CSS, so it’s not impossible to create. However, unless you’re in love with the theme, it may not be worth your time.

Always email the developer to find out if they’ve disabled any features prior to purchase. 你会对主题开发者的工作感到惊讶. 不要在网站设计上妥协. If you love the theme and can’t imagine using anything else, 聘请开发人员为您定制.

如果你有一些技术或编程知识, you may also want to make sure your theme wasn’t developed 使用这些常见错误.


In a world where beautiful themes are affordable, don’t allow yourself to be swayed by looks. 在你购买任何主题之前,先仔细看看. If you don’t know what to look for, pay a programmer to help you out. WordPress is a reliable CMS, but individual developers build the themes. Your theme is only going to be as reliable as the developer who created it. 总之,你可以试试 免费WordPress主题 在为一个成熟的主题付费之前.



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