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吐出液体10音效 by BBRealSound

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树枝扔进沼泽. Useful for film, video 游戏, ads, 预告片, teasers, 广播, TV and other video projects. 可在mp3和wav.请评价,如果你购买.谢谢你!. ;)P.S....

吐出液体7音效 by BBRealSound

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100 High-Quality Magic Elemental Spells Effects divided in: — Dark Spell — Fire Spell — Ice Spell — Lighting Spell — Poison Spell — Rock Spell — Water Spell — Wind Spell — Each...

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吐出液体8音效 by BBRealSound

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剪刀剪2音效 by BBRealSound

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剑战6音效 by BBRealSound

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6 .音效

6 .音效 by BBRealSound

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圣诞老人Ho Ho Ho圣诞快乐音效
适合游戏, 动画, 广告, YouTube的电影, 电影, 预告片cartoons, 视频博客, 动态图形项目, 声音设计, 信息图视频,广播, 电影, 视频, 电视制作,...
销售: 1

圣诞砍树动画2 by BBRealSound

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Sound effects play a significant role in creating realism in a 电影, 它们对网站也是至关重要的. 最好的音效通常都是非常微妙且富有洞察力的. The real noise you recorded at the location will never sound as realistic as good sound recorded with professional equipment and adjusted to the final result.

There are positive sounds that have a beneficial and healing effect on people. 这是有科学依据的, and even there is a special direction in medicine — sound therapy, that the sounds of 自然 are related to such positive sounds. 大海的声音, 鸟鸣声, 小溪的潺潺声, and the rustle of the wind in the foliage positively affect people, 让他们平静下来,缓解压力.

模板 will help you in a matter of minutes to be transported to a day or night forest, 去海边或者你祖母的村庄, 听鸟鸣或雨声. The sounds of 自然 also subconsciously affect the brain, 使人感到平静的, 快乐, 和幸福.

It is also essential that all our templates are composed of natural sounds. That is, if it is rain, then it is real rain and real waves.


音效对于网站来说非常重要. 音效是吸引用户的一种方式. 但是在实现声音的时候, 注意声音要好听, 这意味着它不应该是烦人或令人恼火的. 不同的人有不同的偏好. 要注意这一点.


  • the main feature of ready 自然 音响效果s is versatility;
  • these 音响效果s also come in handy in terms of copyright payments;
  • 录制的音效质量很高. Good equipment to record and low compression of files leads to high-quality standards;
  • sounds are flexible in terms of use: set it as background 音乐, 在视频编辑中使用它, 或与其他声音混合;
  • 我们有一个很大的样本库. Tons of recorded samples in one click are waiting on the site.


自然 音响效果s are suitable for anyone who needs them. 这种效果可能对所有类型的网站和企业都有帮助. 它们是节省时间、金钱和精力的完美选择.

想象你的项目充满了自然的声音. 这会让你的网站访问者感到更放松, 他们不会紧张, 他们会想在你的网站上花更多的时间. It is no secret that people like to hear 自然's sounds to feel in the wild. A 网络site full of natural sounds will help you grow your business. Every detail in business should be thought out, so do not forget about site visitors' comfort. You will find the sounds of 自然 you need in our various templates.


自然 音响效果s download possible after purchasing the file. It’s enough to click “download” at the bottom part of the screen. 以下是保存网站声音的步骤:

  1. Search the sound pattern via a special bar, by category or name.
  2. When the 搜索 is done, click the button to save the 音响效果.
  3. Choose any of the file types available: MP3, WAV, or AIFF.
  4. 按“保存”键回收声音.


The easy way to listen to the 自然 音响效果s library is to watch the video below to launch any sound template fast and easy — support for audio, video, 和自解压.



Depending on the project, you can use effects in various ways. 下面是一些例子:

  • talking about flower shop 自然 sounds may help to create extra mood and 大气;
  • SPA沙龙, special pieces of 音乐 contribute in the way of relaxation, 使呆在房间里愉快;
  • it’s a win-win situation for a showroom which en快乐s high-quality background 音乐.

更不用说技术项目、开发、广告等等. 更具体的声音补充项目. The importance of the effects doubles as a good picture benefits hugely with rich and full background effects for 视频.


是的. Even though copyright is a hell of a lot of problems for the media. Our license for sound templates covers each law aspect about sounds: both “intellectual” and “master.” 音乐 patterns are good for any commercial projects imaginable —TV, 游戏开发, 音乐, 网络, 广播, 等. 唯一的例外是分配. Meaning that re-selling of physical and virtual copies is restricted. 所有的cd,网络或电视.


Every sample on the site has a long way before publishing. 借助两次测试, 客户支持, 团队成员, 我们听声音, 检查版权, 修复一些错误和问题. 他们为网站提供了最好的文件, 确保声音是相关的,能够起作用. 所有 the damaged or changed files are instantly out of the library.

因为网站上的请求量很大, it’s nearly impossible to use material under copyright issues. Non-stop checking excludes distributing or other illegal activities.


Any person may need specific 音响效果s to use, which makes SFX relevant and versatile. Every creator, such as producers, engineers related to sound, developers, bloggers, 等.,可以使用模板来提升项目. Not only ready sounds save time and effort but also money. Instead of creating the sound from the ground, one may get ready pre-recorded.

它适用于学校项目、企业或广告. Imagine creating ads; producers may spend the team’s effort to find and organize new sounds or get recorded ones. Big projects deal with hundreds of sounds, which add up to a colossal amount of saved time.