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shoppingBag 销售: 252


创建: 2014年11月25日

更新: 2024年3月28日

ID: 52270

og体育首页ONE -无限下载 $14.10/mo

41万件| 商业用途 License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | 支持 加入下载此项目  免费


The summer period is a constant desire to get out to nature, plunge into cool water, do sports. 积极的时间为适当的业务, 当没有办法负担得起的时候,就准备好长时间的场地, 把宝贵的时间花在开发上. It is much more effective to use one of the ready-made WordPress templates on the topic of 水上运动, 水上娱乐.

Active recreation is becoming more popular, and people are looking for new experiences. At the peak of 游艇 walking trends - this type of entertainment is used at corporate parties, 培训和其他活动. Fans of hunting and fishing want to save as much time as possible on cooking and equipment, 准备好享受户外的乐趣. To promote this business in any of these areas, a ready-made template for the site is best suited.


Simple and attractive 游艇 俱乐部 WordPress theme, suitable for landing page and for multi-page site. 基本设计非常简单, 简洁的, which is ideal for the main target audience - solvent men from 25 to 55 years old. 该软件包提供:

  • 选项设置和更改照片,字体,配色方案.
  • 内置可视化编辑器插件element. 只需选择正确的颜色和图片来改变网站.
  • 搜索引擎优化优化.
  • 对移动设备的适应性.
  • Convenient contact forms will help to make a high-quality landing page, which will give an excellent conversion on the subject of hunting and fishing.

The name itself suggests which business direction this template was prepared for - this is the WordPress template for a 游艇 俱乐部. 它以其现代的设计和深思熟虑的结构而著称, which is the most important for actively offering its services to customers. The visitor will be able to choose the model of interest to him according to various parameters, for which you can create a kind of internal product cards - the basic 搜索 is improved and made to find the necessary model according to various characteristics, 可访问性, 可能的租赁时间. 有主题矢量图形. Complete mobile adaptability and easy configuration based on the Elementor designer. This plugin is an easy-to-use page drag tool that helps you quickly and easily create whatever layout you can imagine. 不需要编程技能!

The creative template features a completely exclusive design, responsive and flexible in setup. A traditional design from the point of view of design is offered - a title screen with a call to action, 一个简单的极简主义配色方案. There are many convenient functions - the ability to sign up or rent a 游艇, 渔具, 反馈的扩展形式, 相册的空白, 维护主题博客的能力, 哪些改进了搜索引擎的显示.


  • 首页
  • 关于我们
  • 会员
  • 画廊
  • 事件
  • 单独的事件
  • 联系人

All pages and the template as a whole take into account the specifics of this direction. There is everything that is necessary for high-quality and effective work. Change the design of your template, download new files, optimize your site with SEO settings, etc. 经营你的博客怎么样? Grow your business with an integrated platform that allows you to create and manage a full-featured blog right in the admin panel. 分别, 与社交网络的整合值得注意, 哪些对收集反馈和组织反馈有用. It is possible to embed advertising in a blog - for the owner of a business dedicated to hunting and fishing, the function can be useful in the role of announcing upcoming 事件 or for offering a specific product.

The theme can be supplemented with any plugins you need to improve and automate your workflows. Here you can present your 俱乐部, talk about your company, terms of cooperation with you. 该主题还允许您组织租赁过程, 游艇租赁, 船, 其他水上运动或钓鱼设备.


多功能游艇俱乐部WordPress主题与广泛的功能. It was appreciated by other users, including owners of the 渔具店 business. 因以下优点获得较高评价:

  • 适应不同的设备和屏幕类型;
  • 多语言支持;
  • 方便的设计,只需点击几下即可更改;
  • 在大屏幕和小屏幕上看起来都一样好.

You can easily work with this topic even if you don't have enough experience. 技术支持人员随时为您解答您的疑问. You will be completely satisfied with the functionality that you will receive along with the download of the site! 现在通过注册一个演示版本来尝试这个模板!



  • 修复了一些小bug.


  • WordPress 6.4兼容;
  • 元素页面生成器.18兼容;
  • 修复了一些小bug.


  • 樱桃插件删除;
  • 修复了一些小bug;
  • 元素页面生成器.2兼容;
  • WordPress 5.7兼容.


très bien fait, Merci pour ce modèle sur la 海洋 , Template og体育首页 a un choix important par thème . 克里斯汀中的
Un tema troppo complesso con un codice che cambia ogni volta c'è un aggiornamento. L'assistenza in chat mi rimanda sempre alla mail anzichè risolvere in tempi brevi e anche se ho acquistato l'assistenza premium. 达维罗·德鲁莎·达维罗·德鲁莎·达维罗!
Excelente主题!! 简单的流体,de facíl manejo en su edición.
直觉是快速的. 产品consigliato. 初步经验:配置到感知问题.
Fantástica elección con esta plantilla por su elegancia y facilidad de uso. La tengo que adaptar a otro tipo de categoría y he necesitado (y necesitaré) la ayuda de profesionales de Templateog体育首页 para los requisitos que se necesitan. La verdad es que sin ellos, se me haría bastante cuesta arriba todo el proceso de adaptación. 谢谢你,谢谢你. 从和蔼的!!!





4.4 /5
支持度评分(607年评级) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 469 4 41 3 14 2 8 1 75
响应时间: 正常的 This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
